Pick Up and Drop Off
Morning Drop Off: 8:30 a.m. recess until 8:50 a.m., tardy bell at 8:55 a.m. Students who arrive after 8:55 a.m. are tardy, and must sign in at the office before going to class.
Breakfast, if partaking, begins at 8:30 a.m.
Afternoon Pick Up- At 3:55 p.m.(M-Th) or 1:55 p.m. (Friday) teachers will bring children who walk home through the east gate or are picked up in cars to the field by parking lot. Students who walk home west or take the bus will be taken to the west side of the playground.
Students who walk may go at the bell (4:00 p.m M-Th, 2:00 p.m Friday). Students waiting for their car will sit with their grade level until their ride arrives.
If you need to pick up your child before the bell rings, please go to the front office.
Parent Pick-Up
Please help us maintain a nice traffic flow by remembering and adhering to the following procedures:
- Please display the names/grades of the students you are picking up in the passenger window or windshield. This helps us get them to you much faster.
- The sidewalk/curb in the parking lot is for PICK UP / DROP OFF ONLY. Please stay with your car.
- If you are going into the building, even briefly, please park in a parking space.
- Always pull as far forward as possible along the east side walk (past the gate), when picking up or dropping off. This reduce the time that cars are backed up into the street.
- If you are parked out in the lot, away from the curb, please get out of your car, walk (at designated crosswalks) and meet your child at the curb. For safety reasons, children are instructed to remain on the sidewalk until escorted by an adult.
Do not park your car in the lot and walk to the pick-up/drop-off zone. This distracts staff from supervising students for safety and slows down the traffic flow in the loop. To keep the pick up process as SAFE and EFFICIENT as possible for ALL parties, parents who WALK their children home from school need to wait for their children in the 3 designated PINK areas marked below.